Welcome to the Grundy County Recorder's Office
Transfer Tax Calculator
General Information
The Recorder’s Office was created in 1839 by the First Legislative Assembly. Grundy County was formed in 1856 and the first recorded document was filed on June 9, 1856. The Recorder continues to maintain official records of documents affecting title to real estate. Every real estate transaction that takes place begins in the Recorder’s Office. One of the major duties of the office is the management of public records. As a result, accuracy and preservation of records are a must in the Recorder's Office. Instruments that are recorded are not only important for today, but serve as a historical library for all of the tomorrows.
In addition to real estate transactions, the Recorder’s Office issues boat, snowmobile and ATV registrations, titles and liens; records veterans’ discharge papers; accepts marriage applications and issues the subsequent license; issues certified copies of birth, death and marriage records as well as other numerous duties.
Office hours are 8:00a.m. – 4:30p.m., – Monday-Friday.
PLEASE NOTE: The Recorder’s Office is unable to process searches that are requested by phone, email or internet.

Lands and Records Management
- Deeds
- Contracts
- Mortgages
- Assignments, Releases
- Federal and State Tax Liens
- Affidavits
- Plats & Surveys
- Section Corner Certificates
- Veterans Discharge Papers
- Easements
- Condemnations
- Trade Names
- Leases
- 28E & Drainage Agreements
- Bills of Sale
- Articles of Incorporation
- Financing Statements
- ...plus numerous other documents

Vital Records
- Issues Marriage Licenses
- Registers Birth, Death & Marriage Certificates
- Certifies Vital Records

Licenses - Registrations - Applications
- Boat Registrations/Titles/Liens
- Snowmobile Registrations/Titles/Liens
- ATV Registrations/Titles/Liens
- Hunting and Fishing Licenses
- Fur Harvester Licenses
- Habitat, Duck and Trout Stamps
- Deer and Wild Turkey Licenses
- Landowner/Tenant Gun & Archery Licenses

Other Responsibilities
- Collects real estate transfer tax on conveyances of property, a portion of which is retained in Grundy County's general fund.
- Collects and reports auditor's fee on transfer of property.
- Certifies recorder's records.
- In the office, makes records available for genealogy research. We cannot, by law, do phone searches for Vitals.
- Files detailed reports monthly and annually to the county and to state agencies.