Welcome to the Grundy County Auditor's Office
Angela Silvey , Assistant
Elections, Payroll Administrator
[email protected]
Angie Martin, Assistant
Accounts Payable, Elections
[email protected]
Aimee Winter, Real Estate and Taxation Manager
Real Estate, Tax Levies
[email protected]
Responsibilities of County Auditor/Commissioner of Elections
Clerk to Board of Supervisors including
- Preparing and publishing the notice of each meeting
- Attending all meetings of the Board of Supervisors
- Recording and publishing the minutes of each meeting

Financial Officer including
- Processing claims and disbursing all county funds for payment of services charged to the various county departments
- Computing and distributing all county payroll and preparing and filing all related payroll reports
- Preparing the Annual Financial Report in both cash and accrual basis

Budget Officer including
- Compiling all budget information by department and fund and submitting it to the Board of Supervisors
- Compiling final budget figures and processing the state report by service area for consideration at budget hearing
- Filing the certified budget with the State Department of Management
- Receiving, reviewing and certifying budgets to the Department of Management for school districts, cities, townships, ag extension, benefitted fire district, county hospital, emergency management agency, E911 service board and county assessor

Tax Officer including
- Tabulating taxable valuations for each property owner in the county
- Managing TIF projects in the county
- Applying proper exemptions, homestead and military credits, roll backs, and other credits and adjustments
- Certifying the taxable valuation of the county and all taxing authorities to the State of Iowa
- Applying tax rates to the taxable valuation of each property
- Certifying tax rolls to County Treasurer

Real Estate Coordinator including
- Processing all recorded documents transferring real estate within the county
- Maintaining plat and transfer records showing ownership of all parcels of land for taxation purposes

Commissioner of Elections for federal, state, county, city, school and special elections including
- Receiving nomination papers and public measures to be placed on a ballot
- Preparing and supervising the printing of ballots
- Issuing and monitoring absentee ballots through the election process
- Appointing and training Precinct Election Officials for each election
- Preparing the Abstract of Votes for each election
- Certifying results and allocating costs to the state or subdivision involved

Registrar of Voters including
- Maintaining the state-wide voter registration system (I-VOTERS) for county residents
- Maintaining voter records for both active and inactive voters
- Preparing necessary lists of qualified voters for each election

Administrative Officer including
- Preparing and sending reports required by the Bureau of Census, Labor, OSHA, Job Service of Iowa and various other general reports
- Filing and maintaining insurance policies and surety bonds
- Processing cigarette licenses and beer and liquor permits
- Acting as Human Resource Department for the county
- Public Information Officer for Emergency Management Agency

How does a citizen interact with the County Auditor/Commissioner of Elections?
A citizen may register to vote at the County Auditor’s Office.
A registered voter may vote an absentee ballot at the County Auditor’s Office or request that an absentee ballot be mailed to them.
Information concerning the ownership of property within the county is available in the County Auditor’s Office.
A citizen may schedule an appointment with the Board of Supervisors by contacting the County Auditor.
Public information about budgets, taxes, county expenditures, elections, and the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors is available in the County Auditor’s Office.
A registered voter may vote an absentee ballot at the County Auditor’s Office or request that an absentee ballot be mailed to them.
Information concerning the ownership of property within the county is available in the County Auditor’s Office.
A citizen may schedule an appointment with the Board of Supervisors by contacting the County Auditor.
Public information about budgets, taxes, county expenditures, elections, and the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors is available in the County Auditor’s Office.