Welcome to Grundy County Public Health
Grundy County Local Board of Health
Tom Boheman, BS (approved 2022/expires 2025) – Chairperson
Lexie Hach, MA, DrPH(c) (approved 2020/expires 2026) – Vice Chairperson
Mike Nelsestuen, ARNP (approved for replacement 2023/expires 2025) - LBOH Medical Provider
Joan E. Blair, BSN, MPH (approved 2023/expires 2026)
Nick Buseman, (approved 2024/expires 2027)
General Information
Responsibilities of the Public Health Department
The Grundy County Public Health office provides public health education, resources and services to Grundy County. The public health office receives federal, state and county funding to support these programs and services. Services include: individual and group teaching and information; communicable disease investigation, follow-up, and prevention education; school health programs; emergency preparedness; substance abuse prevention: child passenger safety; injury prevention programs and education.
Information and referrals to community services is also provided. The agency is a member of Grundy County Community Partners. Grundy County Public Health works actively with county emergency management, law makers, county decision and policy makers, and other community partners to strengthen public health preparedness in the event of a natural disaster or act of terrorism. Grundy County Public Health oversees the county's Medical Reserve Corps, a group of volunteers which can be utilized, as needed, in such events.
The Grundy County Board of Health is appointed by the Board of Supervisors as the policy making board of the public health department.
Grundy County Public Health complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.