Welcome to the Grundy County Engineer's Office
Hours: 7am - 3:30pm
Grundy County Highway Department
Mission Statement
The Grundy County Secondary Road Department strives to provide and maintain the safest and highest quality network of roads and bridges possible with our resources.

General Information
The Secondary Road Department is in charge of construction and maintenance for all county roadways and bridges. This does not include roads on the State system such as IA14, IA175, and 4-lane US Hwy 20. Grundy County roads include 195 miles paved, 650 miles granular surfaced and 15 miles of dirt roadway. There are a total of 223 bridges over 20 ft. in length and 110 bridges less than 20 ft. in length within the county that are inspected and maintained. All bridges are inspected every 2 years.
The Department has 27 employees with 22 assigned to the Maintenance Division and 5 to the Engineering Division. The Code of Iowa requires that the Board of Supervisors appoint a Registered Professional Engineer as department head. The Engineer, along with the Assistant to the Engineer and Technician, Road Superintendent and Office Manager, directs both the construction and maintenance activities.