Alert Iowa

Real Estate Records and Property Taxes

Real Estate Records and Property Taxes

All real estate transfers are entered and maintained as official ownership records for the county. Digital plat maps and the computerized transfer books are updated showing ownership of all parcels of land for assessment purposes. Click here for the County's GIS information

Valuation reports for every taxing district are prepared in January of each year. Click Here For Current Year's Valuation Report. Valuation reports are sent to all cities, schools, Ag. Extension, etc. for use in the preparation of budgets. In Grundy County, five cities, as well as the County, have established TIF (tax increment financing) districts which consist of 31 separate taxing districts administered by our office. The maintenance work for these TIF parcels within each project continues throughout the life of the TIF project which can be anywhere from 10 to 20 years, or indefinitely.

Property tax rates for each taxing body are figured and property tax bills are computed and prepared for collection by the County Treasurer. These taxes are levied for the various taxing bodies having levying authority in Grundy County; they include schools, cities, county, Ag. Extension Service, rural townships, Assessor, Dike Benefited Fire District, Merged Area VI Schools, and Merged Area VII Schools.