Welcome to the Grundy County Auditor's Office
Angela Silvey , Assistant
Elections, Payroll Administrator
[email protected]
Angie Martin, Assistant
Accounts Payable, Elections
[email protected]
Aimee Winter, Real Estate and Taxation Manager
Real Estate, Tax Levies
[email protected]
Financial Records
Annually the Auditor's Office prepares the budget request for the Auditor's Office functions, election administration, county general services, and county non-departmental services. Our office works closely with the Board of Supervisors to compile all departmental budgets into one "county" budget. All school, city and various county budgets must be certified by the Auditor before forwarding to the State.

The Auditor's Office issues payment for all services and materials rendered and charged to the county, keeping a complete record of each transaction.
In disbursing county funds, the office computes all county payrolls and issues the payments. Related reports such as FICA, IPERS, State and Federal withholding, unemployment, Section 125 cafeteria plan, Section 457 deferred compensation plan, and other deduction reports are filed with the proper entity.
The Auditor maintains a ledger for each department in the county throughout the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). The Auditor keeps and maintains permanent financial records for the county. Many financial reports are published for public information.

Township and other county officer's financial reports are submitted and filed in the Auditor's office. The County's annual Financial Report is published containing various schedules of the county's financial condition and other taxpayer information. Reports required by the Bureau of Census, Labor, OSHA, Job Service of Iowa, and various other general reports are prepared.