Welcome to the Grundy County Treasurer's Office
Tax & Auto Departments - Mon - Fri, 8:00 - 4:30
Driver's License Department - by appointment only
Written Driver's License Test - by appointment only
Drive Tests - by appointment only
Driver's License Department - by appointment only
Written Driver's License Test - by appointment only
Drive Tests - by appointment only
Things you should know about your property taxes
If you are a new owner of a property, contact the Treasurer's Office at 319-824-3108 to update the mailing address and obtain a tax statement if you have not received one.

If your mortgage company is responsible for payment of your tax, contact them to confirm they have the correct tax information for your property.

- Annual tax statements are mailed once a year in the month of August. Failure to receive a tax statement is not a defense to the payment of the tax and any late interest that has accrued.
- Your property tax may be paid in full or in two installments. The first half is due September 1 and becomes delinquent October 1. The second half is due March 1 and becomes delinquent April 1. Delinquent interest accrues at the rate of 1.5% per month, rounded to the nearest dollar with a minimum of a dollar.

Delinquent notices shall be mailed to property owners who have outstanding taxes as of November 1 and April 30. Delinquent taxes as of May 1 are assessed a processing fee and will be advertised for sale at the annual tax sale in June. The delinquent tax list is published in The Grundy Register.

The annual tax sale is held the third Monday in June at 9:00 a.m. Any delinquency must be offered for sale at the Regular or Public Bidder Tax Sale.